Mac-Macintosh HD / Users / / Library / Preferences / Windows-C: \ Users \ \ AppData \ Roaming \ Adobe \ Lightroom \ Preferences \ Lightroom 6 Preferences.agprefs

Mac-Macintosh HD / Users / / Pictures / Lightroom / Lightroom Catalog.lrcat The default location of the Preferences is… Windows-C: Users \ \ My Pictures \ Lightroom \ Lightroom Catalog.lrcat The default location of the Lightroom catalog is… refers to the name of your user account, for example, mine is called Vic. If your operating system is installed on a different drive, you may need to replace the drive letter/name on the file paths that are listed below.

If you need to find Lightroom’s files at any time, you’ll need to know where to look, so here are the most popular Lightroom file locations.īy default, the boot drive is C: on Windows and Macintosh HD on Mac.